20 of the most inspirational quotes ever
Enjoy this collection of our very favourite 20 inspirational quotes.
Be inspired with these words of wisdom from people who have come before us.
1. Napoleon Hill quote about what we can achieve

2. Tyler Perry quote about getting a yes from God

3. Arthur Ashe quote about getting started

4. Mother Teresa quote about spreading love

5. Aristotle Onassis quote about our darkest moments

6. Hail Selassie quote about the assurance of success

7. Booker T Washington quote on uplifting others

8. Maya Angelou quote on what people remember about you

9. John F Kennedy quote on expressing gratitude

10. Albert Einstein quote on playing the game

11. Henry Ford quote on the power of your thoughts

12. Martin Luther King Jr quote on the power we have to bring love to our world

13. Mark Twain quote on the two most important days in your life

14. Albert Einstein quote on success vs value

15. Thomas Edison quote on not giving up too soon

16. Milton Berle quote on when opportunity knocks

17. Ralph Waldo Emerson quote on sixty seconds of happiness

18. Norman Vincent Peale quote on changing your world

19. Thomas Troward quote on the source of limitation

20. Isaac Newton quote about great discoveries
